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KFX400 DVX Z400 Dual Fan Kit $375 4 Seasons Tthe right fan wired into the factory harness fan plug and powers a new lower temp fan sensor to automatically turn on and off.the fan. The left fan is powered off the battery Etc.

KFX400 DVX Z400 Dual Fan Kit $375 4 Seasons

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$ 375.00

Tthe right fan wired into the factory harness fan plug and powers a new lower temp fan sensor to automatically turn on and off.the fan. The left fan is powered off the battery Etc.

Product Detail:

This Dual Fan Kit has the right fan wired into the factory harness fan plug and powers a new lower temp fan sensor to automatically turn on and off.the fan.  The left fan is powered off the battery and is on a handlebar switch to manually turn on and off. This kit is designed for riders that ride all 12 months of the year or all 4 seasons.  3 versions. 

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